Hello TPS Families,
Thank you so much for giving me the honor of taking your child’s school portraits. In the 60 seconds I get to spend with your child, I love hearing their stories- whether it’s about Halloween costumes, dinner at grandma’s or a myriad of other snippets from their lives. Even in those few short moments, their personalities certainly shine through! It warms my heart to know what a special community of children we have.
Your child's school photos are ready to order!
The 3 things you need to know:
Click the Link and Find Your Child - Use the link below and find your child's folder. You can order sibling photos at the same time, just add to the same cart.
Choose Photos & Options - Choose a photo, click “buy”, and you will see the choice of packages or items. If you choose “items” you will see the options below, and you can choose color or B&W.
Digital Photos - One high resolution digital is $25, all the digitals in your album are $50.
Printed Photos - Available individually or in a variety of packages. You can choose photos from different albums, including sibling photos, in one package.
Deadline - December 31st is the last day to order! After December 31st, the galleries will no longer be available. To ensure you don't miss the deadline, please order as soon as possible.
Digital class photos downloads are free! Navigate to your child’s class photo to download.
TPSA is gifting each child a printed class photo so there is no need for you to purchase one!
I know that there is so much going on in the wide world around us but looking at each of these amazing children puts a smile on MY face and fills me with hope for our future. Enjoy your beautiful children and hug them tight, these years go by too fast.
If you have any questions, please email me through the contact tab above.
Here is the link! Please be sure to order no later than December 31, 2024.
Thank you,
Lauren Harel